Place Types: Campus
Plan Policy Table of contents Place Types: Campus Goal: Provide places for large, multi-building institutions, such as educational, religious, civic, or health facilities, or for a concentration of office and research and development uses. Campuses are a relatively cohesive group of buildings and public spaces that are all serving one institution such as a university, […]
Place Types: Commercial
Plan Policy Table of contents Place Types: Commercial Goal: Provide places for the sale of goods and services in locations readily accessible by automobile. Commercial places are primarily car-oriented destinations for retail, services, hospitality, and dining, often along major streets or near interstates. Land Use Typical uses include shopping centers, standalone retail uses, personal services, […]
Place Types: Parks and Preserves
Plan Policy Table of contents Place Types: Parks and Preserves Goal: Protect land that is intended to remain as parks or natural preserves in perpetuity. These places contribute to the quality of life of residents and visitors by providing places to gather and recreate, and further the environmental quality of our ecosystems including the tree […]
Place Types: Neighborhood 2
Plan Policy Table of contents Place Types: Neighborhood 2 Goal: Provide a range of moderate to higher intensity housing types, including apartment and condominium buildings, to meet the needs of a diverse population. Neighborhood 2 places are higher density housing areas that provide a variety of housing types such as townhomes and apartments alongside neighborhood-serving […]
Place Types: Neighborhood 1
Plan Policy Table of contents Place Types: Neighborhood 1 Goal: Provide places for neighborhoods with a variety of housing types, where single-family housing is still the predominant use. Neighborhood 1 places are the lower density housing areas across Charlotte, where most of the city’s residents live, primarily in single-family or small multi-family homes or ADUs. […]
Complete Communities and Places
Plan Policy Table of contents Complete Communities and Places During the Comprehensive Plan engagement process the community communicated a desire for all areas of Charlotte to meet the needs of nearby residents and employees. Charlotteans expressed the need for access to their everyday essentials as well as amenities such as parks, shops, restaurants, trails, and […]
02. Complete Communities
Plan Policy Table of contents 02. Complete Communities Contents Complete Communities and Places Place Types: Neighborhood 1 Place Types: Neighborhood 2 Place Types: Parks and Preserves Place Types: Commercial Place Types: Campus Place Types: Manufacturing and Logistics Place Types: Innovation Mixed-Use Place Types: Neighborhood Center Place Types: Community Activity Center Place Types: Regional Activity Center […]
1.3 Equitable Growth Framework
Plan Policy Table of contents 1.3 Equitable Growth Framework With a pervasive dedication to facilitating a more equitable and inclusive planning process and guiding policy plan, the Comprehensive Plan’s very DNA is an Equitable Growth Framework informed and shaped by the community. The Equitable Growth Framework is intended to reflect and build upon the community’s […]
1.2 Community Values, Vision, and Goals
Plan Policy Table of contents 1.2 Community Values, Vision, and Goals In order to create a Comprehensive Plan that is successful and meaningful, the values of the community must be central to the process and outcomes. This understanding is at the heart of the Charlotte Future 2040 Comprehensive Plan. Building on the efforts of previous […]
1.1 Introduction
Plan Policy Table of contents 1.1 Introduction The City of Charlotte has a duty to implement plans for various aspects and areas of the community. Unlike many plans developed across the country, the neighborhood, community and system-wide plans created in Charlotte should not sit on a shelf and collect dust. Instead, they are calls to […]