Goal 2: Neighborhood Diversity and Inclusion

Plan Policy Table of contents Goal 2: Neighborhood Diversity and Inclusion Goal 2: Neighborhood Diversity and Inclusion Charlotte will strive for all neighborhoods to have a diversity of housing options by increasing the presence of middle density housing (e.g. duplexes, triplexes, fourplexes, townhomes, accessory dwelling units (ADUs), and other small lot housing types) and ensuring […]

Goal 1: 10-Minute Neighborhoods

Plan Policy Table of contents Goal 1: 10-Minute Neighborhoods Goal 1: 10-Minute Neighborhoods All Charlotte households should have access to essential amenities, goods, and services within a comfortable, tree-shaded 10-minute walk, bike, or transit trip by 2040. Not all neighborhoods are expected to include every essential amenity, good, or service, but every resident should have […]


Plan Policy Table of contents Introduction The Comprehensive Plan’s Policy Framework 1) builds upon the guiding principles, vision elements and community values, 2) provides actionable responses to the Equitable Growth Framework’s priorities of improving access, better distributing the costs and benefits of growth, and creating asset-based and culturally rich places; and 3) establishes new policy […]

03. Policy Framework

Plan Policy Table of contents 03. Policy Framework Contents Introduction Goal 1: 10-Minute Neighborhoods Goal 2: Neighborhood Diversity and Inclusion Goal 3: Housing Access for All Goal 4: Transit- and Trail-Oriented Development (2T-OD) Goal 5: Safe and Equitable Mobility Goal 6: Healthy, Safe, and Active Communities Goal 7: Integrated Natural and Built Environments Goal 8: […]

Place Types: Regional Activity Center

Plan Policy Table of contents Place Types: Regional Activity Center Goal: Provide major employment locations and cultural destinations for residents from throughout the Charlotte region. Regional Activity Centers are large, high-density mixed-use areas, typically along transit corridors or major roadways, that provide access to goods, services, dining, offices, entertainment, and residential for regional residents and […]

Place Types: Community Activity Center

Plan Policy Table of contents Place Types: Community Activity Center Goal: Provide places that have a concentration of primarily commercial and residential activity in a well-connected, walkable place located within a 10-minute walk, bike, or transit trip of surrounding neighborhoods. Community Activity Centers are mid-sized mixed-use areas, typically along transit corridors or major roadways, that […]

Place Types: Neighborhood Center

Plan Policy Table of contents Place Types: Neighborhood Center Goal: Provide places that have a pedestrian-friendly focal point of neighborhood activity where nearby residents can access daily shopping needs and services within a 5-10 minute walk or a short drive. Neighborhood Centers are small, walkable mixed-use areas, typically embedded within neighborhoods, that provide convenient access […]

Place Types: Innovation Mixed-Use

Plan Policy Table of contents Place Types: Innovation Mixed-Use Goal: Contribute to Charlotte’s economic viability by providing mixed-use urban places that include light manufacturing, office, residential, and retail. Innovation Mixed-Use places are vibrant areas of mixed-use and employment, typically in older urban areas, that capitalize on Charlotte’s history and industry with uses such as light […]

Place Types: Manufacturing and Logistics

Plan Policy Table of contents Place Types: Manufacturing and Logistics Goal: Contribute to Charlotte’s economic viability by accommodating places of employment for a range of uses related to manufacturing, logistics, production and distribution. Manufacturing and Logistics places are employment areas that provide a range of job types, services, and wage levels in sectors such as […]